Saturday, March 21, 2009

Response to comments on black and white thinking

Grey does seem to be a new favorite color because black and white are too taxing. As far as what do I think is successful- I have no freakin clue. I have this "destination addiction" that I am trying to overcome now. I got this from my father. He was never satisfied with where he was at, and kept tyring to get higher and higher, never actually finding happiness. I know that I need to be happy with whatever I have and wherever I am in life. I am working on that at the present time... I am trying to stop and smell the roses.

Psychology Lesson

So- Here is my psych lesson to everyone. Actions are the result of feelings, feelings are the result of thoughts, and thoughts are not always rational. Dysfuncitonal behavior? Most likely stemming from an irrational thought. Let's break it down: Dysfuctional behavior-moping around the house. Thought-I am unloved and unappreciated because my husband plays video games when I get home from school instead of turning them off and asking how my day was. Irrational thought-He doesn't love me. Of course he does-he married me. Irrational thought-He should drop everything and greet me at the door and ask me how my day was. Did I do that for him? Can he end the game that fast? Is he a puppy? All no. Therefore, I was moping around being sad for nothing. Now let's try that again, the opposite direction. Rational thought-He doesn't know that I would like for him to pay me more attention. Feeling-Stupid for not realizing that earlier. New action-Telling him that I would like him to pay me more attention when I get home from school because I feel like we need to have quality time when I get home so that I can go to bed earlier. See? This is so easy. Every negative feeling basically comes from an irrational thought. So go back and figure out why you are not happy and what the real reason is for that feelings, and what new thoughts and behaviors and steps you can take to make yourself happy.

Spring Break

So this past week was my Spring Break-where the hell did it go? Mom and Jess are in Florida so we don't talk as much, Tommy has been working the week from hell, and friends are all busy. Can I digress and say I wish I could have gone to classes so I wasn't so lonely. I didn't meet any of my goals this week, I have been extremely lazy the past three days. Which makes me wonder, do I have too many goals for myself? Do I really need to be productive every day??? My answer--NO. When the hell am I going to have a chance to be lazy again? I, and perhaps others, need to realize that having lazy days should be a goal. Everyone needs the chance to relax and make themselves a priority. Like Oprah said, put yourself back on the list. Make yourself a priority. Stop making everyone else's goal for you a priority.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What do you do with kids

So I worked yesterday with a little boy who was a witness to domestic violence. Can I tell you that those are the worst the kids to work with! Which brings me to the Chris Brown and Rihanna. The woman who has the easiest situation from which to leave, does not. What does that say to and about the women who are getting abused and can't leave because they don't have millions of dollars. Don't even get me started about celebrities being bad role models!!! But by far, the worst children that I have ever worked with are children who have witnessed domestic violence. Everytime I have seen it, I knew I was in for the ride of my life. The boys who witness it, and we are talking 3 year olds who have usually witnessed it since their birth, always have no coping skills and hit to solve every little frustration they come across. The thing about kids hitting is that they usually do it when they can't find the words to relieve their anger. These kinds of little boys hit because they think that is the normal way to solve problems, they don't even try to find the words. Little girls who witness always are weak, shy, and quiet. This is a cruel world, and now that I have seen the wrath in these kid's eyes- I am totally pissed about domestic violence.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Vagina Update

So there are no tickets to the show...since it is a fundraiser, we are collecting donations at the door, but there are no tickets per se. Although, everyone is invited. It is March 30th, 9 pm, at the Rowan Student Center. I am not sure where to tell everyone to park... I will get back to about that tho... C YA